Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Spooky Summer Tale: Part IV The Bad Ending

Photobucket I woke up early when the big hand was on the 11 and the little hand was on the six. I heard a party in the kitchen with lots of yelling. And Aunt Le Le was still there!

She spent the night! I loved Aunt Le Le almost as much as Mommy. But I didn't have time to get dressed. I had my ballet girl pajamas on and no shoes. Mommy came in and grabbed me and said that we had to Go!

I heard cars running and people yelling and things being hauled around. Someone said that there was a terible thing at the produce place. A crazy monky jumped down from the raftess! At first, people started laughing, and said it was a pet but not funny. The crazy monky was tearing parts off of people and jumped from place to place real fast. The monky looked bad. It didn't yell like a monky. It made noise like a horn. Someone killed it and it wasn't a Monky.

The Army guys came and took it away. We got in Ant Le Le's car but her car won't work, so we had to go back in the house until the Army Guys fixed the car. It needed a pair of Mommy's stokings. Mommy found some more clothes for all of us and put them in bags.

The Army guys said the animals mostly come out at nite, not day time, so the men went out to look some more for the Baker Boys. They went back to the quarry and found a new cave. They went back in the cave with Army guys and found the Boy's. Mr Baker went crazy and the had to hall him outta there and give him some Nokout drops.

Tomas said the Baker boys were in pieces and bones were sticking out. Pooky told Tomas to shut up and they were fiting until Mommy stoped them.

Mr waston saw the silly pony run across the Pamers falfa fields. They said that no pony can move that fast and no one could catch up with it. An Army guy shot at it, but mised and the pony turn around and came after the Army guy. The Army guy got the pony, but it wasn't a silly pony. It was something else with teeth like mommy's nives.

I was so scard and not want anyone to leave or die anymore. Ant Le Le and Mommy wer cryng. I just stay quiet and lisend and wrot in my book as much as I cold. Mommy taht me to read and writ before scool started. The teechers were mad becase they had to teach me. She taght all of us to red and write before we went to scool.

The Army cames and took over the town. There's a nite time cure few, but Tomas sneked out and go to the spooky house, where he just know this stuff is from. He nevr come bak. Then the Daddy and Tomas Daddy went out to find Tomas. After Tthey saw what happen to the Baker Boys, they went crazee.

The Army guys caut them and bought them back to the house, then went looking for Tomas. They never found Tomas. We all cried. In the daytime, the men went to the spooky house. They found the New People in the basement with lots of broken cages and pieces of other things and people that were broke and eat up.

There were kages that went on for two and three achres under there! There were caves under there and the New People had just made cages out of them. But the things in the cages broke out. The men come back, talking about finding a list of gosh aful stuff down in the Spooky House. Some threw up. The Army guys hiked all through to the same cave at the quarry where the Baker Boys were.

The Army guys found and killed hundreds of mad crazy things. I fell sleep when the big hand was on the nin and the little hand was on the three. I dremed about a crazy cat. The crazy cat was dancing with the army men and played with a big doll head. Then there was an lelephant with 22 legs... I didn't wet the bed, thoh.

When I get up and go down stares, The Army mander and some men were eating cake with Mommy and Daddy and Ant Le Le in the kichen. It's not was dark yet. The Army mmander was sitting under the bay window and talking about "moving us out tomoro".

Sudeenly something krashed through the windo and spiked the commander in the head and dragged him through the window by his head. The glass and blood were pretty in the light. It just spiked him in the head with a giant two claws and his brains were out. The Army guys were screeming, Mommy and Daddy and Ant Le Le were screeming. The Army guys killd the crazy cat and look at it. They cry and scream and pick up the manders head with the hat still on it but his face is all mashed in.

But a guiet Army guy looked and can see that the crazy cat had kittens. He must be an agrocotoro person. Some Army guys run around and look to find them. They go through ever home, everroom, ever car. They find 8 crazy kitten under the neibor's house. Monsters all. They cage up the crazy kittens and put them in a truck to take to the Army labs. The kittens are big as Mommy's big toaster oben.

The truck crashed down the street. The Army guys run out. The kittens are still in their cage. "Wheew" one of them says. More Army is there and they put the cage on the porch. It's a big cage with big bars, and they cover it up with canmas, so no one can peek and look.

Then the Army goes into the spooky house and we were all got up and taken to the air raid shelter under the corthose. But we get near the corthose when a big lelephant comes up from underneeth and can't fit, so it nocks the whole corthose down. There's lots of smoke and briks flying in the air. The lelephant can't stand the light, so it tries to go back under the ground. The Army bombs it and haul it out. It's both a lelephant and cenipeed. It's dark now and we cry and run back at our houses, where Army is all around them. But most of us don't get back.

Planes fly over, bomming all nite. Theyre are only 50 of us in five houses on our street. But no one else gets eaten that nite. Everyone left is emakavated out of the town. We got to pack a few things, but had to hurry and leave lots of my dolls. I saw the covered up cage with the crazy kittens go in one of the trucks. No one else saw it.

When we are leaving, I see the centipede lelephant get up again and thrash around, smashing trucks and people. It is so loud and I cry. We ride and ride and go on to the Air Farce Base somewhere. They say that it's Ravis Air Farce Base. We are all go to a big hanger way out in a field at the Air Farce Base. It is dark when we get theyre. We all goes in the hanger and we get samiches and juice and cots with pilos and sheeets. Only 20 of us got there to the hanger. There are big white bathrooms with shorwers.

We are way away from our town. we were all safe and it will be over when they Army guys kill all the crazy cats and lelepats and sily ponys. We talk and cry about how many lost and killed. We all cry and go to sleep.

I don't have a dreem or a pee.

I wake up. Dark outside is shooting and screeming it quiet. The men go with thr guns. don come bak. but 3 of us here. Bon Bon and the Watson baby and me. Le Le Pooky Daddy Mommy gone.

I hide Bon Bon and the baby, but they won't be quiet.

Now I cry write and write this for some one two redd ths.

I writ and dont feel scard anmore. I kno what hapen.

I know wht going to hapen.

Army guys frgot theose crazy kitns they're in the hagnar I here them comin....

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